Friday, February 12, 2010

Trapped By Their Own Attitude

Y'know, I told myself I wasn't gonna post this one too, but sometimes something is just so perfect...

Actually, I may have to apologize for the comments that I made yesterday concerning the lack of self awareness shown by the republican leadership... Instead of criticising their astonishing lack of realisation of what they are saying and where they are saying it and the overall impression that it gives, perhaps what I should actually have been criticising was their arrogance and utter ability to convince themselves that despite whatever evidence might actually be presented to them, despite the feelings of the people who are actually going to be affected by the legislation they are considering, despite the experiences of those who are actually already under a health care system that is actually more comprehensive than anything that Obama (who has fallen into the trap of trying to get something passed instead of trying to get what he actually campaigned on and convinced us he believed to be right passed) has dared to propose, they know better than the people they are supposed to be representing. They, in their arrogance and blindness and dogged determination to undermine this administration at any cost, simply cannot see the evidence that is right in front of them, writing it off as either a trivial blip or people who simply don't know how bad off they are...

But, hey, don't take my word for it, take theirs, as the second part of this clip follows up on yesterday's RNC committee meeting in Hawaii, a state that has had government mandated health care for forty years now.... Those poor poor, deluded people...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Apparent Trap
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