Thursday, July 15, 2010

Net TV Love - An Introduction

Y'know, there are lots of reasons to love the internet right now. (There are probably just as many reasons to hate it, but let's save those for another day, shall we?) One of those reasons is that it has allowed for the proliferation of different visions that without it likely would not have gotten the exposure that they deserve or might not have gotten made at all.

Now, I'm not talking about Hulu or the other sites that merely repeat what's already available on network TV. Don't get me wrong, I love what they do and regularly use them to catch up on shows that I have missed. No, I'm talking about those smaller projects, some home grown, some with major names behind them that seem to have something in common - generally, a more personal touch or vision, the kind of "niche-audience" things that the larger networks simply don't believe they can touch or wouldn't think about doing, because they probably wouldn't attract the millions and millions of viewers that advertisers crave.

For lack of a better term, I'm lumping all of these shows today under the heading of "Net TV", and I suppose that's at least fairly appropriate, though if anyone out there has a suggestion for a better term, please let me know in the comments. I've tried to pick a fairly diverse selection to highlight, and probably the only thing that unites them is that they are ones that I love. Still, even these only scratch the surface of what's available out there. Hopefully, though, they'll give you a taste of what's available, and inspire you to take a look for more of these web-productions. And hey - if you've got any favorites, please share them in the comments. I'm always looking for more!

Ok, On with the Net TV!

Update: Here are the links to the individual posts for your convenience:
Part One: Angel of Death
Part Two: Uncle Jay Explains the News
Part Three: The Guild
Part Four: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Part Five: Ray Harryhausen 90th Birthday Tribute
And yes, there will be more tomorrow.
Update Two: The second batch of posts:
Part Six: Cranky Geeks
Part Seven: Star Trek Phase II
Part Eight: Will It Blend?
Part Nine: Tiki Bar TV

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