ITEM! Okay, generally I'm not one for remakes, but how can you not love, if nothing else, the sheer audacity of this?
ITEM! Top cultured brings us a list of ten inventors who were killed by their own inventions, Sometimes you can take a good idea too far. Or a bad one.
ITEM! Over at Rolling Stone, Matt Taibi takes Lara Logan, CBS's chief foreign correspondent, to task for recently taking Michael Hastings to task for his article that caused the recent McChrystal furor, and points out that Logan's attitude is part of the problem, not the solution. A short excerpt:
Does the fact that the country is basically barred from seeing dead bodies on TV, or the fact that an embedded reporter in a war zone literally cannot take a shit without a military attaché at his side (I'm not joking: while embedded at Camp Liberty in Iraq, I had to be escorted from my bunk to the latrine) really provide the working general with the security and peace of mind he needs to do his job effectively?
Apparently not, according to Lara Logan. Apparently in addition to all of this, reporters must also help out these poor public relations underdogs in the Pentagon by adhering to an "unspoken agreement" not to embarrass the brass, should they tilt back a few and jam their feet into their own mouths in front of a reporter holding a microphone in front of their faces.
ITEM! Movies I'm really looking forward to part one:
Seriously, this just looks like it's gonna be a hoot!
ITEM! Salon's Gene Lyons asks why so many Americans still believe what he calls "Zombie Lies" - those ideas that, no matter how many times they're disproven, just won't lie down and die.
ITEM! A couple of days ago in discussing Orson Welle's Sketch Book, I digressed into talking about his and Terry Gilliam's separate adaptations of Don Quixote as possibly great films that were never finished. Pop Crunch adds 15 more to the list. Some of them sound really intriguing, and the list includes such luminaries as Alfred Hitchcock, David Lynch, Steven Spielberg, and Stanley Kubrick.
ITEM! I really don't think I need to comment on this one:
ITEM! From the "Thanks for your service to our country" department: (via CNN) "A Missouri VA hospital is under fire because it may have exposed more than 1,800 veterans to life-threatening diseases such as hepatitis and HIV... John Cochran VA Medical Center in St. Louis has recently mailed letters to 1,812 veterans telling them they could contract hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) after visiting the medical center for dental work..."
ITEM! Along with the "Drug Czar" and all the other "czars" the government has seen fit to create over the past few years, now we need a Carp Czar? Apparently Dick Durbin thinks so.
ITEM! brings us five ridiculous gun myths everyone believes thanks to the movies.
ITEM! Movies I'm really looking forward to part 2:
ITEM! Trendwatch - stuff on the rise: Senior Sexting. 'Nuff said, I think.
ITEM! Hey, remember when you were a kid and you had that one special person in your life? That guy or gal that was always there, that you could share anything with and that you knew always had your back? Y'know, your best friend? Yeah, well, your kid apparently shouldn't have one.
ITEM! When lightning strikes a 62 foot tall statue of Jesus does it still get filed as an "act of God"?
LAST ITEM! For those of you looking for a decent live-action Batman fix while waiting for the official sequel to The Dark Night, I offer City of Scars, a $27,000 , 30+ minute long "fan film". Not bad acting, good action sequences and high production values for the money. And kudos to both DC and Warners for not either shutting this production down or immediately demanding its removal from the web. Enjoy!
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