Monday, July 20, 2009

The Junkyard - Dazzling Data, Dizzy Dispatches, and Dangerous Declarations of Rather Dubious Distinction

Some folks call it "linkblogging", we just call it "The Junkyard"... What is it? Basically an every-once-in-a-while collection of those items I've run across that don't necessarily need a full write-up or maybe just little bits that I find amusing or quirky or.... Anyway, just follow the links in each item for more info... You get the idea... anyway, enough preamble, on with the show...

ITEM! Remember last time when we linked to the story about the public and congress not getting any real time to actually read the upcoming health care bill before they vote on it? Well, apparently it's just as well, since House Majority Leader Stenny Hoyer (D-Ick) seems to think the whole concept of congress actually reading the bill before voting on it is a laughing matter...

ITEM! From the "I couldn't make this up if I wanted to" Department: The BBC is reporting that Mel Gibson is in talks to star in a new film to be directed by Jodie Foster about "a depressed man who finds solace in his beaver hand-puppet."

ITEM! The old school is now completely dead...

ITEM! Usually I decry the lack of new ideas in Hollywood, but I think this one may just be their most creative liscense yet... You just have to wonder if every scene transition will be acccompanied by a great big ca-chunk and the screen shifting from one side to the other...

ITEM! Obviously the Swedes have been studying their famous American literature, since they're trying to bring back the Scarlet Letter... just with a slightly different meaning...

ITEM! And the world's fastest snail is...

ITEM! Ray Bradbury: Hero

ITEM! Did you miss World MoonBounce Day?

FINAL ITEM! "If we let parents into the school they would have been free to roam the grounds. All unsupervised adults must be kept away from children." Yep, parents, YOU are the biggest threat to your children... Especially if you really want to be involved in their lives...

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